
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Preventing Injuries

             What steps can someone take to help them to prevent injuries caused by running? Becoming injured in the middle of the season could bring an early end to your running.  Some injuries could happen no matter what steps or things you do to help prevent them but runners should try to prevent certain injuries whenever possible.
Running can put a lot of stress on your legs and lead to injuries. One injury that is very common among runners is shin splits. Shin splits isn’t always a very serious injury but could still cause a runner to miss a few meets and can be very painful so a runner may not perform their best when the have shin splits. Runners may also strain or tear some of their muscle which could take a few weeks or months to heal before they could run again and so it could lead to an early end to their running season.
It would be important to know what different things a runner could do to try to avoid injuries because no runner wants their season to end early and want to keep competing and running the best that they can. Having to miss or end a season early can also affect a runner’s future running career because normally the more you run the better you continue to get so if you miss a season you could start further behind then those who were never injured and haven’t had to miss a season so it can be really important to take all the steps that you can before you get injured to avoid any injuries.
A few teammates on my track team are injured right now and have to sit out for a while. Being injured doesn’t only affect the runners it also can affect the whole team. One of the runners on my track team who is injured is a really good eight hundred runner and because of her injury someone else has to fill in on our four by eight hundred relay and now the relay may not be able to make it to drake to compete as they did last year so the people on her relay are also affected by her injury.
Learning ways or steps a runner can take to avoid injuries can be really important to know because if a runner is able to avoid injuries they can have a very successful season and more successful seasons to come. If a runner can avoid injuries it also helps the success of the whole team. (424)

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