
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Four Hundreds

                One of the most important events ran in a track meet is four hundred meters. A lot of the events in a track meet include running a four hundred. Each good track team has at least four or five good four hundred runners. This year my team has really been lacking in the number of good four hundred runners we have.
               Four hundred meter race is more of a mid-distance race. If you have good four hundred meter runners they also can normally run good times in a two hundred or eight hundred meter race so it can be really crucial for a team to have really good four hundred runners. If your team is lacking in 3000 runners or 1500 runners it is not as big as a deal because it is only one race in which you need them but a four hundred meter run is in about five different events so it can impact the results of a meet more.
              For girls high school track, having a good four hundred runner means that they can run times in low sixties if not under that. My track team really only has one runner who can run in low sixties and she can’t be in every event so our track team has really been hurting this year. We are able to score some points in field events and long distance events which can help our team in a meet but because we lack so much in four hundred meter runners it can really hurt our team’s performance. We haven’t been able to win a meet yet this year and last week we got last at one meet.
             A four hundred meter race is a middle distance race and is in many events which makes it really crucial to have good four hundred runners on a track team.  A track team can still score points elsewhere without any four hundred runners but if you want to do good in meets or win meets you need to have good four hundred runners. Hopefully my track team will be able to gain more four hundred runners next year so we can improve as a team. (363)

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