
Sunday, February 2, 2014


           When you have just completed a season of running whether it be track or cross country you normally set new goals in preparation for your next season. When you are a freshman and you finish your first season, you are normally not too worried about how well you preformed in that season because you still have three years left to improve.

When I was a freshman I thought cross country practice was so hard the first few weeks that I looked up to the seniors in awe that they have been able to stick with cross country for four years and not give up. I was so amazed that anyone could somehow survive four years of the impossibly hard cross country practices and I didn’t think that I would be able to survive that long.

Now I am a junior and I finished my third season of cross country a few months ago and it has seemed to go by so fast. I can’t believe that I only have one season of cross country left. It makes me really sad to think that I am already three fourths of the way down with cross country and next year is my last season and after that I will never run high school cross country again. I had so many goals for cross country that I haven’t even accomplished yet and so I want to work hard and accomplish them during my last season.

 After my freshman year of cross country, I wanted to eventually run under sixteen minutes and make it to cross country state as a sophomore, at least as an alternate but I didn’t get to go to state cross country as an alternate until junior year and I still haven’t ran under sixteen minutes. I may have just set to high of goals to reach but it’s still disappointing knowing I haven’t achieved all my freshman year goals yet. I know there is still more I could have done in order to reach my goals and now I only have one year left.
           It is good to set goals and work hard to reach them, but you should make sure you are setting challenging but accomplishable goals. High school also goes by really fast so you need to make sure you are working really hard each year because before you know it, it will be your last season.

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