
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Track Season

            The beginning of track season is only three weeks away for my track team and so I need to really start picking up my running. Three weeks really isn’t that much  time to get ready and in the last two weeks I have only ran three times so I really need to start picking up my running if I want to be in shape for track season.

            If you take off running for the whole winter, you will be really out of shape when track season comes around and it can be very difficult to catch up to everyone else when they have been running in their off season and you haven’t been running. The first month or two of my off season I ran maybe every other day which is pretty decent considering the weather made it harder to find times to run but I still would have benefitted from running more. The last month the number of times I have ran has dropped a lot and so I really need to use these last three weeks to get in shape as best as I can so I don’t start out behind everyone.

            To get in shape in the remaining three weeks until track starts I really need to be running at least six times a week. I also should be including some other activities to my workout. I need to work on strengthening my core and abs and I can also work on strengthening my arms and legs.  To work on my strength I want to also incorporate workout videos or use weights at the gym to go along with my running maybe three or four times a week.

            Now that I have planned out what I want to do each week I have to actually run and workout which is the hardest part. I always find it hard to get motivation to run because there is always something else I would rather be doing. Ever since I got home from Florida I got out of the habit of running and working out every day after school and I really need to get back into that habit and if I am able to do that I may be able to get in shape by the beginning of track season.

            It is important to make sure you run or do some type of workout before the beginning of track season. You don’t want to start behind everyone else who actually used their off season to make sure they were in shape because it can be hard to get caught up.  

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